Frequency response and distortion measurement using logarithmically swept sine signals for
fast, accurate analysis of room acoustics and audio performance
Measure using USB measurement microphone, analog measurement microphone or SPL meter
Options to use a loopback connection or another speaker as a timing reference
Offline measurement mode allowing responses to be generated from imported sweep recordings
Frequency response and distortion (THD, IMD, TD+N) measurement using stepped sine at up to 96 points per
Real Time Analyser with up to 1/48th octave resolution
Signal Generator offering:
sine waves (optionally including harmonics with level and phase control)
Square waves
Dual tone signals
Triple tone signals
Multitone signals
Tone bursts
CEA-2010 tone bursts
Linear and logarithmic sine sweeps
Random pink noise (full range, speaker calibration, sub
calibration, CEA-2034, fractional octave and custom filtered)
Random white noise
Periodic pink and white noise (full range, speaker calibration, sub
calibration, fractional octave and custom filtered)
Export of signals to WAV files
Sound level meter with full integrating functionality including equivalent sound level
and sound exposure level; mic/meter and soundcard calibration corrections applied;
A, C or Z weighting
Two channel oscilloscope with a math channel
Spectral decay plots, waterfalls (Fourier and Burst Decay) and spectrograms (Fourier, Burst Decay and wavelet)
Impulse response, step response and energy-time curves
Reverberation times derived in accordance with ISO 3382 in octave or one-third octave bands
with results for Early Decay time (EDT), T20, T30 and an optimal fit RT60 figure
RT60 Decay plot using frequency domain analysis to provide decay data at much higher resolution
and with narrower octave fractions than is possible with classical RT60 analysis
Clarity and definition parameters C50, C80 and D50 plus centre time Ts
Impulse response can be displayed with octave or one-third octave filters applied
Frequency-dependent windowing of impulse response
Harmonic and intermodulation distortion measurement including harmonic phase
Phase & Group Delay (measured, minimum and excess)
Phase wrap/unwrap
Minimum phase response generation
Impedance measurement including Equivalent Peak Dissipation Resistance (EPDR) plot, component model
for inductor and capacitor measurements
Thiele-Small parameter calculation from sealed volume, added mass or dual added mass impedance measurements
Impulse Response delay calculation and adjustment
Clock rate difference detection and correction when input and output are on separate devices
Support for the Dutch&Dutch 8c eq features, including support for measuring using sweep signals generated by the speakers
A configurable equaliser entry offering a selection of Q definitions
Automatic identification of peaks in the response, automatic assignment of EQ filters
to peaks and optimisation of filter parameters to counter the peaks and track a desired target response
Waterfalls of predicted results of EQ can be viewed in the EQ panel and can update live as filter
settings are adjusted
Room resonance analysis to determine the frequencies and decay times of modal resonances with pole-zero
plots of the response and any filters applied
"Modal" filter setting provided for parametric EQ filters to aid in correcting modal decay
Room Simulator supporting up to 8 subwoofers
Frequency response import from and export to text files
Impulse response import from WAV or AIFF files
Export impulse responses of measurement or filter settings to WAV files
Compensation for C-weighting when using an external SPL meter as the input,
calibration files can be loaded for soundcard and microphone or SPL meter
ASIO support
Comprehensive help files within the application and on-line
Pro upgrade features
Multi-input capture, allowing REW to capture multiple inputs simultaneously for
measurement or for the RTA
Measurements made with multi-input capture show an rms average of all the captured
channel magnitudes with an underlay showing the span of the individual channels
When using the miniDSP UMIK-X
averages can be produced for each UMA4 mic array
Individual measurements for each channel can be captured at the same time as the average
Each input can have its own calibration file
Individual weighting for each input to the average and option to align SPL before
averaging. Weighting and alignment can also be adjusted after capture
RTA measurements with multi-input capture show the rms average of the input channel
magnitudes and up to 16 individual input traces simultaneously
If only two inputs are selected for a multi-input RTA measurement distortion and levels
can be shown individually for each and stepped sine measurements can be made for both inputs simultaneously
Individual SPL metering for the first four inputs, level metering for up to 16 inputs